Clinic Project - Basin Installation
PhotographyAnnie Peatling and Emmah Ditiso
Date24 Mar 2022
Clinic Project - Basin Installation

After many months of planning and preparing we were delighted to start work on our healthcare project in providing the clinics neighbouring Notugre with small infrastructure items and medical products. Our first mission was to install fully functioning wash basins and laundry sinks for daily use. 

When asking the clinics what they felt was most important regarding small improvements, all 6 clinics included hand washing basins and laundry sinks on their wish lists. Pre-Covid the clinics did not offer sanitisation facilities to visitors, but after the pandemic took over it was clear there was a desperate need for these facilities. Having small hand washing basins on entry to the clinics with running water allows for patients to thoroughly clean their hands with soap and water before entering the facility, significantly reducing the spread of germs. The employees of the clinic now also have access to running water through a double laundry sink which contributes greatly to keeping the clinic areas clean as well as being able to wash the linen from patients' beds. In some cases, the drainage pipes were so damaged that dirty water was not draining, creating an unhealthy backlog that was unhygienic. As part of the sink installation the drainage pipes were assessed and fixed to make sure all drainage points are working correctly. 

We express our thanks to Annie Peatling and Emmah Ditiso, TCT's Community Liaison Officers, for getting this project off the ground on behalf of Tuli Conservation Trust. We also thank Moses, the builder, who has done a good job in routing water lines, unblocking drains, and creating supports so that these sinks can be installed properly, and not forgetting Elvis who made the benches for the clinic waiting areas.

Images showing where the project started
Final product
Before and After